From country clubs and hotels to hospitals, many businesses across the nation rely on being able to serve cafeteria-style meals to patrons. At Culinary Specialties, we strive to simplify the process for you while also offering budget-friendly options that don’t

Culinary Specialties is your source for top-quality food that is simple to serve and ultra-safe. We have partnered with hospitality businesses across the U.S. to help them offer delicious menu items that won’t tax the resources of your food service

t’s the most important meal of the day, especially for hospitality businesses like hotels that have overnight guests. Whether you offer a free breakfast and want to add value for your guests, or you are charging for breakfast and want

The more Americans who choose a plant-based diet, the more hospitality businesses need to adjust menus to meet the trend. This is where Culinary Specialties can make a huge difference for your hotel. Our dishes are delicious, easy to heat

Hospitality businesses across America rely on Culinary Specialties for great food that is simple to heat and serve for hungry guests with discerning palates. Today, we want to focus on just one of the many protein options that we offer

First of all, you will find that at Culinary Specialties, we call our skewers brochettes. We’re not just using a fancy name to charge our clients more (which you will see when you find out about our wholesale pricing for

Americans crave global cuisine more than ever before. However, it can be difficult for a country club to cater to the culinary desires of its members and guests when many of these dishes take a great deal of experience and

Culinary Specialties is here to help hospitality brands to offer the best food in the simplest way possible. One of the delicious entrées we offer in a variety of flavor combinations is our flatbreads. Let’s take a moment to consider