Tips to Make Breakfast a Better Value Add-On for Hotel Guests
One thing that hotel guests eat up is value add-ons. You can get more bookings by offering packages. One popular add-on is breakfast, and Culinary Specialties is here to help ensure your guests feel like they got their money’s worth
Top-Notch Gluten Free Fare for Your Hospitality Business
Whether you run a catering company, a country club, or a hotel restaurant, you likely run into many patrons who require a gluten free diet (and others who simply eat that way as a lifestyle choice). How can you meet
Serve These Beautiful and Flavorful Canapes in Shot Glasses
From caterers and country clubs to hotels with banquet halls, the hospitality industry goes through a lot of appetizers. Culinary Specialties wants to help you deliver attractive and delicious appetizers without all the fuss. Our Canapes in Shot Glasses are
3 Trends Caterers Need to Know About in 2023
Culinary Specialties is proud to support catering companies that want to keep up with the times. Here are a few trends we’ve spotted for 2023 events and some of the ways we can provide the support you need to stay