Treat Hotel Conference Attendees to Fresh Boxed Lunches
If your hotel holds conferences but doesn’t have a restaurant, you need to think about how you can upgrade your offerings by providing food for conference attendees. Culinary Specialties makes it easy with our boxed lunches that are made fresh
A Look at Hotel Food Trends for 2022
As travelers start to return to hotel use, one thing that you need to think about is feeding your guests. The average consumer expects more from hotels when it comes to flexibility and practices. Here are a few things to
Is Now the Time to Add a Dining Lounge to Your Convention Center?
The pandemic has taken its toll on large events. However, thanks to the vaccine and the loosening of restrictions, many conventions are happening again this year. We hope your convention center is reaping the benefits. Should you consider adding a
Making Breakfast a Valuable Hotel Guest Add-On
Hotel guests want packages to be more customizable than ever before. Offering breakfast as an add-on can provide value for travelers who prefer this service. How can you provide the best breakfast service without breaking the bank? Here are a