The Simple Way to Add Flatbreads to Your Hotel Entrées
Culinary Specialties is here to help hospitality brands to offer the best food in the simplest way possible. One of the delicious entrées we offer in a variety of flavor combinations is our flatbreads. Let’s take a moment to consider
Delicious Flatbreads for Your Country Club Menu
At Culinary Specialties, we pride ourselves on helping hospitality businesses across the US improve their menu without creating more work for your staff. One great option that we offer to Country Clubs is our delicious flatbreads. We provide a wide
Add These Perfect Flatbreads to Your Hotel Menu
Culinary Specialties is proud to be helping hotels across the U.S. to up their food game. Whether you want to add our flatbreads as an entrée on your restaurant menu or you want to use them for room service, they
Satisfy an Entire Family With Our Flatbread Trio
Our flatbreads are like a rustic version of pizza. The bread is prepared to be a doughy and filling treat. The sauces are seasoned to bring a burst of flavor to every bite. The cheese is delightfully creamy, and the
What Is a Flatbread? (And Why They Make a Great Date-Night Meal)
Flatbreads are an unleavened style of bread, meaning that the recipe doesn’t include yeast. In some cultures, this style of bread is used to pick up stews or sop up sauces. However, in modern times, flatbread has evolved to be