At Culinary Specialties, we’ve spent decades building our reputation for excellence in the food industry, and one of the cuisines we are particularly proud of is our appetizers and entrees featuring the flavors of the southwestern US. Of course, our

At Culinary Specialties, we offer a wide variety of brochettes to our hospitality customers. Of course, brochette is just a fancy word for skewer, and that’s something all of your catering clients will be familiar with. At Culinary Specialties, we

The Southwest US is known for combining the flavors of Mexico with US cuisine. The quesadilla wasn’t invented in America, but it has certainly become a household name here, and many of your country club members may associate quesadillas with

Some of the things that are really trending in the modern food scene are cultural experiences and street food. You can combine both and provide the flavors of Sicilian street food to your hotel guests with a little help from

Bacon and seafood might be two items that your staff finds it tough to prepare onsite when you can never be 100% certain of what the prep area will look like at a given venue. Culinary Specialties is here to