
How Culinary Specialties Produces Safe Food for Your Clients

Before your hospitality business sources food to serve to guests, clients, or patrons, you need to be sure it is safe. At Culinary Specialties, safety is of the utmost concern. Here are a few of the things that we do to protect your business and those who eat there.

  • Safety audits – These audits are performed by third-party contractors to ensure we are in compliance with the best safety protocols.
  • Governing organization guidelines – There are many governing organizations in the food service industry that produce guidelines for the safest practices. But why try to choose the best one when we can follow the guidelines from several? We’ve chosen the USDA, FDA, SOP, GMP, HACCP, and SSOP. You can also see the FDA and USDA logos on our website.
  • Safety monitoring – When recalls occur, products need to be pulled instantly before they reach customers. We constantly monitor safety recalls from the FDA and the CDC to be able to respond before your customers get sick.
  • Micro testing – We use testing to check our own products for safety on a regular basis. This ensures we are keeping up with our own standards of safety and cleanliness because we know the details matter when it comes to the final product.

The Right Food Manufacturer for Your Business

Culinary Specialties is the right food service partner for your hospitality business. Contact us today by calling 760.744.8220, or you can request a quote online. We look forward to helping you provide delicious and quality products to your clients for many years to come.