The Perfect Sausages for Your Country Club’s Summer Events
We’re getting close to summer, the time of year when people want to eat outdoors. How can your country club deliver the perfect sausages to your members and their families and guests? Check out the delightful sausage offerings from Culinary Specialties.
- Frankfurters – There is no summer food that is quite as American as a hot dog. We offer frankfurters in natural casings that are sure to please. A perfect mix of beef, pork, and spices offers just the right flavor, and a sheep casing keeps it all natural. They arrive fully cooked, so you can simply heat and serve or toss them on the grill just long enough to create some grill marks.
- Bratwurst – We offer fresh, smoked, or Nuernberger bratwursts to meet the tastes of your clientele. The fresh brats offer the perfect blend of pork and spices. The smoked brats add a delicious smoky flavor. Nuernberger blends pork and veal for a unique and enjoyable taste.
- Kielbasa – Made from a blend of pork, beef, and spices, our Polish kielbasa is a sure crowd pleaser, and it pairs perfectly with whole grain mustard for an upscale take on a classic sausage.
Order the Sausages Your Country Club Needs for This Summer
It’s time to order the sausages for your Country Club’s summer events. Culinary Specialties has the precooked delights that are sure to please and evoke the feelings of a high-end barbecue. Give us a call today at 760-744-8220 or request a quote online.