Tips to Make Breakfast a Better Value Add-On for Hotel Guests
One thing that hotel guests eat up is value add-ons. You can get more bookings by offering packages. One popular add-on is breakfast, and Culinary Specialties is here to help ensure your guests feel like they got their money’s worth and will want to make this part of the package every time they stay.
Besides using our delicious breakfast foods on your menu, here are a few tips to make breakfast the most important meal of the day for your guests.
- Offer high-quality coffee options – Breakfast is pretty much a fail if you’re guests have to dump their coffee and hit a café on their way to whatever they are doing that day. Make your coffee the one they want to have in the morning.
- Provide high-protein options – Hotel breakfasts are often some sort of bread, cereal, and waffles. While those things are delicious, some of your hotel guests may be watching their carb count, especially if their plans for the day don’t involve a lot of physical activity. Eggs, simple meat options, and cheese are a good way to supplement the usual breakfast fare.
- Make sure there are quick options – Some of your guests are on the go. They may benefit more from the breakfast buffet if they can grab a breakfast burrito rather than having to sit down to eat a meal.
The Breakfast Solutions Travelers Want
Culinary Specialties is here to help you provide great meals for guests at any time of the day. Give us a call at 760.744.8220, or you can request a quote online to learn more about our wholesale pricing.