Take Airline Meals to New Heights with Culinary Specialties
For airline meals that passengers can really sink their teeth into, more airlines are choosing individually quick frozen options. What are the advantages of IQF preparation for airline meals and what can Culinary Specialties do to help your airline offer the high-quality meals your passengers demand?
Benefits of IQF Meals for Airlines
Individually quick frozen meals have a number of superior benefits, including:
- Easy to prepare, serve, and clean up – It is easier to prepare individual meals in an airplane kitchen than reheating products that have been frozen in batches.
- Superior taste and appearance – IQF meals retain their color and flavor, so your passengers get a better meal, and it looks good too. Remember that we eat with our eyes before the fork ever enters the food.
- Safety first – Individually quick freezing meals that have been prepared in a safe environment ensure that your passengers are kept safe. No one wants to take a flight and then spend the next night in a hotel bathroom.
High-End Airline Dining from Culinary Specialties
What do we have to offer to your airline passengers? You can customize entrees like stuffed chicken breast, wellingtons, roulades, brochette, and we even offer vegetarian options. With passengers expecting airlines to deliver meals that meet their food preferences, being able to customize your order is more important than ever.
Culinary Specialties is the IQF meal provider that your airline needs to partner up with to meet the requests of modern airline diners. Give us a call today at 760.744.8220 to discuss your airline’s needs, or you can request a quote for our products online.